Cathodic Blogging
Tips, tricks, and adventures.

By Lance Thomas
Evaporative Cooler Pad Protection
- Save thousands of dollars in costly replacement.
- Double or more the expected lifespan of your evaporative cooler pads.
- Contact us today for more information.
In 2004, Anode Solutions’ associate, Hans Schmoldt, installed an impressed current anode system to control the algae and calcium carbonate salts buildup in the evaporative cooler pads at the Palisade Greenhouse in Palisade, Colorado. After one year’s performance, the owner purchased three systems. After seven to eight years of operation in six greenhouses, the 12 year old pads are clean and have years of life ahead of them. The air is fresher because there has been a significant reduction in algal buildup. There has also been a corresponding reduction in carbonate buildup. These improvements in cooler pad cleanliness have increased the efficiency of the cooling system, improved the air quality and eliminated pad replacement costs.
The impressed current anode system was designed and proven by Anode Systems Company of Grand Junction, Colorado. The technology for controlling the growth of algae, bacteria, mold and fungus plus the buildup of carbonate salts in cooler pads was pioneered by Anode Systems in 1991 for roof top evaporative coolers. Further information about this anode, testimonials and the science behind evaporative cooler pad anode systems can be found at
The algae and other microorganisms are controlled with a constant supply of zinc ions from zinc anodes. Zinc is a known anti-fungal compound found in over-the-counter antifungal ointments and powders to control diaper rash, athlete’s foot and rashes. As the zinc anode is consumed, the positively charged zinc ions combine with negatively charged carbonate ions to form zinc carbonate. Much of this settles at the bottom of the water reservoir as an off white scale leaving the pads cleaner.
At startup, the air that flows through many cooler pads has an unpleasant “fishy” smell. The unpleasant odor is from spores from bacteria and microorganisms. It can cause nausea, headaches, allergies or worse. Poor air quality can be a cause of lowered employee morale or lost work time due to air borne sickness.
Finally, if the pads are cleaner and the air flow better, the cooling system will not have to work as hard. If the fans are used less, it will extend the life of the fans and will lower the electric bill from running the fans.
12 year old cooler pad with anode protection
Shoe box sized anode power supply
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